Others Zig, We ZAG!

Others Zig, We ZAG!

On Thursday, June 2nd, 2016, Zuora was able to achieve a major milestone by launching the inaugural Zuora Advisory Group. Engaging with our top customers through the ZAG has a huge impact on our company and customer success, and creates our strongest advocates.

We convened 15 great customers in a vast array of industries from across North America and:

  • Went deep on our product strategy and direction
  • Armed members with helpful best practices
  • Received phenomenal guidance on Zuora’s company positioning as we build our category
  • Immersed members in a warm community to network with each other

We’re looking forward to engaging with these charter companies to help us deliver the best product to all of our customers. Stay tuned for more updates!

And check out a partial list of some of our customers, and their stories, here.

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